System messages
From DR Solutions - In the Know
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace.
Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
watchlisttools-raw (talk) (Translate) | Edit raw watchlist |
watchlisttools-view (talk) (Translate) | View relevant changes |
watchnologin (talk) (Translate) | Not logged in |
watchthis (talk) (Translate) | Watch this page |
watchthispage (talk) (Translate) | Watch this page |
watchthisupload (talk) (Translate) | Watch this file |
wed (talk) (Translate) | Wed |
wednesday (talk) (Translate) | Wednesday |
wednesday-at (talk) (Translate) | Wednesday at $1 |
weeks (talk) (Translate) | {{PLURAL:$1|$1 week|$1 weeks}} |
welcomecreation-msg (talk) (Translate) | Your account has been created. You can change your {{SITENAME}} [[Special:Preferences|preferences]] if you wish. |
welcomeuser (talk) (Translate) | Welcome, $1! |
whatlinkshere (talk) (Translate) | What links here |
whatlinkshere-count (talk) (Translate) | Displayed $1 {{PLURAL:$1|item|items}}. |
whatlinkshere-hideimages (talk) (Translate) | Hide file links |
whatlinkshere-hidelinks (talk) (Translate) | Hide links |
whatlinkshere-hideredirs (talk) (Translate) | Hide redirects |
whatlinkshere-hidetrans (talk) (Translate) | Hide transclusions |
whatlinkshere-links (talk) (Translate) | ← links |
whatlinkshere-next (talk) (Translate) | {{PLURAL:$1|next|next $1}} |
whatlinkshere-page (talk) (Translate) | Page: |
whatlinkshere-prev (talk) (Translate) | {{PLURAL:$1|previous|previous $1}} |
whatlinkshere-sectionredir (talk) (Translate) | redirect to section "$1" |
whatlinkshere-submit (talk) (Translate) | Go |
whatlinkshere-summary (talk) (Translate) | |
whatlinkshere-title (talk) (Translate) | Pages that link to "$1" |
whitelistedittext (talk) (Translate) | Please $1 to edit pages. |
widthheight (talk) (Translate) | $1 × $2 |
widthheightpage (talk) (Translate) | $1 × $2, $3 {{PLURAL:$3|page|pages}} |
wikibase-listdatatypes-math-body (talk) (Translate) | Literal data field for mathematical expressions, formula, equations and such, expressed in a variant of LaTeX. |
wikibase-listdatatypes-math-head (talk) (Translate) | Mathematical expression |
wikieditor (talk) (Translate) | Advanced wikitext editing interface |
wikieditor-desc (talk) (Translate) | Provides an advanced, extensible wikitext editing interface |
wikieditor-realtimepreview-beta-desc (talk) (Translate) | See how wikitext changes will appear to readers inside the [[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Extension:WikiEditor|2010 editor]]. |
wikieditor-realtimepreview-beta-label (talk) (Translate) | Realtime Preview |
wikieditor-realtimepreview-error (talk) (Translate) | Preview not loading |
wikieditor-realtimepreview-manual (talk) (Translate) | Please reload now to manually preview your edits. |
wikieditor-realtimepreview-onboarding-body (talk) (Translate) | See what your edits will look like to readers by previewing them in realtime. |
wikieditor-realtimepreview-onboarding-button (talk) (Translate) | Okay, got it |
wikieditor-realtimepreview-onboarding-title (talk) (Translate) | Realtime Preview |
wikieditor-realtimepreview-preview (talk) (Translate) | Preview |
wikieditor-realtimepreview-reload (talk) (Translate) | Reload |
wikieditor-realtimepreview-reload-title (talk) (Translate) | Reload the realtime preview pane |
wikieditor-toolbar (talk) (Translate) | Editing toolbar |
wikieditor-toolbar-desc (talk) (Translate) | Edit page toolbar with enhanced usability |
wikieditor-toolbar-file-alt (talk) (Translate) | Alternative text: |
wikieditor-toolbar-file-alt-help (talk) (Translate) | You can use this optional field to write a text description for people who cannot see the file. The description should be enough for them to understand the purpose and information given by the media item. This is vital for blind users and other people using screen-reader software or text-only browsers. |
wikieditor-toolbar-file-alt-help-label (talk) (Translate) | (Show help) |
wikieditor-toolbar-file-caption (talk) (Translate) | Caption: |
wikieditor-toolbar-file-default (talk) (Translate) | (default) |