Volunteer Team Tools

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Volunteer Tasks

Apply to be a Volunteer

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Descriptions of Volunteer Interests

Deliver Classes in Disaster Preparedness

You will be delivering classes on disaster topics in person at various sites for various organizations. Participants can be anywhere from elementary school age through seniors.

Create Online Training for Disaster Preparedness

You will be developing and managing online training using the Moodle platform and various formats such as SCORM or PowerPoint. You may also be doing voice-overs for your content.

Help Organizations Prepare for Disasters

You will work with organization such as Child Care Facilities, Assisted Living Facilities and other small businesses and organizations to help them plan for emergencies. You will assist them in developong Emergency Action Plans, Continuity of Operations Plans, Comprehensive Emergency Management Plans, and other documents to better prepare them in the event of a disaster.

Help at a Point of Distribution

You will work at a Point of Distribution to deliver food, water, tarps, cleaning kits, and ice to drive-up customers. Depending on skills and certifications, you may operate a pallet jack or fork lift.

Help Place Spontaneous Volunteers in Jobs

You will work at a Volunteer Reception Center to help place Spontaneous Unaffiliated Volunteers in jobs for organizations working a disaster that have asked for workers.

Become a Board Member

Become a Board Member for DR Solutions. All new Board Members receive orientation traning, a Board Member Manual, and are expected to be a member of at least one commitee.

Help Manage Volunteers

Work directly with Volunteers with on-boarding, engagement, training, and tracking.

Help with Technology

Work with DR Solutions in assisting with their technology team. Technologies include Windows based servers, web sites, networking, developing remote and portable collaboration solutions, and RF communications.

Help with Social Media

Work on Social Media to show DR Solutions at work in the community, promote DR Solutions to the community and other organizations through the use of Social Media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), and YouYube.

Help with Partner Development

Work with DR Solutions and other non-profit organizations, commercial businesses, government agencies, and individuals to develop partnerships and MOUs to assist people affected by disasters.